The Captains

Meet the Captains of SeaDream I and II luxury mega yachts, Captains Torbjørn Lund, Kristian Kivimaki, and Michael Macleod.

SeaDream I

Captain Torbjørn Lund 


Torbjørn Lund

Captain Kristian Kivimaki of SeaDream I 


Kristian Kivimaki


SeaDream II

Captain Michael Macleod 


Michael Macleod



... we were again thrilled and enjoyed the same high as was the case in both previous sails. Peter & Liz C.Australia
It was truly a Dream voyage!...The food was awesome! Not a single complaint from us! The wines, cocktails and all other beverages were excellent! Peter L. & Hannes K.Sweden
The chef is outstanding. Every dish was excellent – loved the Indian menu. Mr. & Mrs. HardyTennessee
Couples massage was one of the best I've ever had! Mr Hucker & Mrs BrunoFlorida
You are organizing great trips and you have excellent service. I think I will use your services more in future. Albert R.Illinois
Fabulous yacht, magnificent food, great people, superb service, I can think of a few more adjectives, but to summarize – save and go on it – probably the best vacation I ever went on. Ian C.California